
Its nearly there

I cracked out a few more tracks over the last week and here is a picture of the tracks in the folder, along with some artwork and potential artwork that I plan on sending out various labels.

The runtime at the moment seems to be around 24 minutes but with a few more tracks to add I'm hoping to get around 30 minutes.

I find it weird as when i started this album back in January I had not long returned from the USA to get married and had collected a bunch of hardware/analog synths ready to make these tracks and then edit and filter them through the computer. In February I had to relocate back to my parents as the VISA process became quite costly and very slow, I had sadly sold of some of the hardware synths due to financial needs and eventually hit the realisation that I must sell off some gear as I was limited as to what I could take with me to America when the move finally happens...weight and that, you know how the airlines are.

It has been interesting making this album, I sampled old Reel to Reel tapes a family friend gave me, got friends to add their own contributions to the music and even returned to an old method of music making I had not done since I started making music (rec + pause on a tape deck)

I can't wait to see where this goes.