
D.O.B: 23 June 1989
Location: California, USA.


Other Projects: ACK!!!, Bleakview, DJ Voon, Molonic Voon, Hitlerbuttsecks, Cock In Machine, SkatKnob, HATESOUND, Garbage Sound Systems, Sequence The Wolf.

:: Biography

I was born in Lincoln, Lincolnshire but raised and resided in Gainsborough, Lincolnshire for most of my life. My dad had a shed where he would jam on drums, guitar and listen to his mass of tapes, CD's and vinyls. A trick he taught me, probably the first thing that ever got me into music was he would record onto tape a simple melody and then using the "karaoke" feature allowing you to dub over the original recording would add layers of new sound to the original recording, essentially crudely building up music layer by layer in single takes. When I started getting more crazy using this method of recording I would usually lay down a drum track first, and add the synth layers by holding a note and pausing the recording between note changes to effectively "sequence music (example video coming soon) This translated over to my 4-track recordings too and was easier to manage when I messed up recordings or wanted to change something.

I eventually moved to a PC where I would animate crude stop-motion in JASC Animation Shop and make music in eJay which was severely disappointing, even at a young age making he music in eJay didn't make it feel like it was truly my music. I eventually started chopping up and pitch adjusting the music in early audio editors (Goldwave comes to mind) to make the music more original and crazy. To end the interest I moved from Moonfish to FLStudio and finally to Ableton which is my primary driver today, however Sony Acid sits on all my windows PC for quick and crazy jamming (Great for Breakcore/speedcore stuff)

I moved to the USA in 2015 as a permanent resident to be with my husband H.J.Bartels with who I will on occasion collaborate with artistically on both audio/visual media and am on my way to citizenship. As of now I am working on several albums, some visual media and drawing artwork for a horror magazine. I plan on returning to the UK for a short spell after my citizenship.

:: Gear List