
In the calm of war

My long overdue, eventual move to the United States of America has finally began to make progress again and I am in the process of re-applying for forms that I have been told last minute needed updating (police certificate, General Practitioners report, etc...) to take with me to my medical interview on the 17th of next month.

I promise I will do a write up about my experiences with the Immigration process once it is complete and I am firmly planted on US soil and point out many flaws in the process that quite frankly have made me more empathetic to the illegal migrants to the USA. this isn't because the legal process is near impossible but it uses a lot of unfair tactics that cause major delays unless you are financially sound and under no time constraints to "jump their hoops" another major flaw is the quietness and idleness from the processing side, where as I am expected to pay out large amounts in days from receiving letters and to respond in minimal time frames, the company's I have dealt with (NVC in particular) show no ability to respond to simple questions and that is if you can even contact them at all, I had emailed them several times and attempted many phone calls as did my partner and the rest of the family, we eventually had to get a senator involved (Ami Bera) who even struggled to get the most basic of responses out.

The most frustrating of these experiences is the fact it took the NVC 60 days to verify a single signature that delayed everything massively, but as soon as they did this I was given two weeks to receive new forms I had no prior information about for my medical and I'm still not even sure when I can obtain these forms.

but despite this frustrating ordeal I still make time to sit and experiment with music. I am working on a new ambient album along side my new MO album, taking tiny melodic samples from vintage records and stretching them out saturating them in reverb and delay to create new harmonic tones.

hopefully it will all work out well.