
Man Out and About #1

An old painting of mine, from 2010.
I have nothing audio or visual to show as I have, in all honesty been quite lazy and played games, worked a "real" job and just kind of walked aimlessly in the recent California rain. My husband Jesse, rightfully so has berated me for not making anything and being creative in general and suggested that so I don't feel like i'm wasting my money on unused domain names and cloud storage I should do a bi-weekly blog of some kind.

So that is what I will do and I will call it "Man Out and About", I will use it as a behind the scenes kind of thing showing what I am watching, reading, hearing and creating. People seem to like blogs like that and hopefully we can share some interests.

:: Watching

. Junji Ito Collection
Despite it's lower visual quality i'm actually enjoying this, have been a fan of Ito's work for many years now.
. My Hero Academia
. Versallies
. The Alienist

:: Hearing

Currently gracing my iPod is...
. AFX - Complete analord collection
. Haxan Cloak - Excavation
. The Caretaker - Everywhere at the end of time
. Cylob - Cymply the best 93-01

:: Doing

. I have restarted my daily walks to try and loose some weight, also gave up on the daily fast food rationing and started prepping more food at home to just try and live a little longer. This appears to be working as I have lost a little weight and just in general feel better for doing so...it's also easier on my wallet.

. At a friends party a few weeks back I wound up chatting with the other music makers in the room, we kind of sectioned ourselves off from the others in the room by standing in the corner near the window (nice and cool night air to blow in on a pleasant conversation) but things got a little off when I started discussing a mod/bend I wanted to perform on my Yamaha SU10, I am apparently not allowed to mod my own equipment as one day it may become rare and thus very valuable...I don't care about this as I will be keeping all my gear till it dies, then when it does so I'll harvest the dead units for parts. It's funny when gear elitists tell you this but won't buy the gear from you to save it, especially when I mark up the value stating "it's worth more to me as modded gear than just selling it off at value price"

. My best mate in the UK Graeme Lawrence and his missus are expecting their second child, another daughter who is due to be born somewhere in June and I am happy as he is over the moon with this info. I will be sending gifts to them when it nears the birth.

. This week begins my new hobby of tending to the family chickens, something my mother-in-law has wanted to do for a long time, unfortunately one was very sickly and passed away before we got around to taking her to the vet but we will move on.

Hopefully something more happens, I'll see if I can keep this blogging thing up.

Good night.