
Man Out and About #2

Today I am in a somber mood, I feel a little stuffed up in the head, I'm trying desperately to pop my ears so everything doesn't sound all drowned out but I fear i might blow a blood vessel or something.

Pictured is an old peer, I very loosely would use the term friends but still, someone I knew for the largest portion of my secondary school life. Daniel White, died but a week ago aged 29 in a hospital most likely in the Lincoln area as the Gainsborough hospitals are pretty awful. I'm not going to write anything other than it's a shame that someone at such an age had to die, being just a month or two older than him kind of makes me reflect on my own mortality and that of my friends and family, I know death happens every day...hell every hour but when it's someone closer it hits harder.

Farewell you daft cunt.

:: Watching
. 8Bit Guys "Commodore history)". My Hero Academia S:3
. Deadman Wonderland

. Bottom (all series + live shows)

:: Hearing

Currently gracing my iPod is...
. AFX - Complete analord collection
. Haxan Cloak - Excavation
. The Caretaker - Everywhere at the end of time
. Cylob - Cymply the best 93-01
. Caustic Candle - Various Albums

:: Doing

. I have worked on some music, been sat in the spare room on my old Mac mini and cranking out some beats and tunes in Ableton and showing visiting family friends how my drum machines and such work.

. Being eaten alive by the bugs and such of pre-summer, my arm looks like I've been slowly picking the skin from it and now i have two bites on the back of my neck that hurt when I rub my shirt against them. I personally have always been a big fan of brutalism and concrete structures over gardens and nature.

. I want to be invited on a discussion about circuit bending or just equipment modding in general, I have way to many arguments with gear elitists over what stuff I "can" use and mod. It's none of their fucking business what I choose to do with my gear and as I stated once before if someone believes that I own a piece of equipment that shouldn't be modded then it is up to them to purchase it from me and not cry in the distance. I may do a post on this.