
Updatey things

 1. I am working on my new album still, "Crisp Saunter" and I have no idea when it will be done, teaching myself new techniques and messing with all sorts of stuff. I did upload a demo track to my often neglected Soundcloud which you can listen to by clicking this link Here

"Crisp Saunter" Album Artwork

2. I'm trying not to use this site as a "blog", I shouldn't it's the home site for my main project "Man Outdoors" and for some side stuff so throwing out dumb opinions about "dream synths" is useless on here. I have a blog which can be found here https://awcobbett.blogspot.com/ which while I did neglect for a long time, I found myself coming back to it again after my fallout with Facebook and Twitter (Facebook sucks, Twitter is depressing to read thru" So if you are interested in my more routine ventures go bookmark that or my Instagram. This site is purely project related and should remain such.

I hope all of you are well out there, the pandemic is taking it's toll emotionally and physically on a lot of my friends and family, I'm very insular and solitary so I've been handling it I like to believe so at least, very well. Stay safe friends.