
5 Behringer clones I want to own

This was something I got asked recently, something me and some musically minded friends asked each other as a sort of challenge and this is what I submitted to them. I figured I'd post it here as I would like to hear what other people would suggest of if they agree with me. I'm sorry it's not super detailed just stuff I posted on Discord with friends, kind of stream of consciousness writing and detailing.

also please remember these are very wet dream/fantastical clones that will most likely never happen, I'm not expecting any of these to be made or any movement to spear them on, just let a music gear nerd dream.

1. 4 Track Cassette Recorder
Something akin to the Tascam Portastudio 414 MK2. All the usual 4 tracks features (EQ, Pan, Effects in, etc...) BUT I would love to see a USB so that not only could you capture each of the tapes 4 channels individually to a DAW but each of the 4 inputs on the device, it could double/act as a 4 channel audio interface with the on device EQ and effects...I'll lessen my expectation down to 4 individual MONO outs for each channel for my current audio interface but single L/R out annnnd... I'll probably buy one to replace my current Tascam, keep that USB interface design and I'll buy multiple for sure. Recording and mixing each of the Tascam's 4 tracks individually sucks.

2. Casio SK-5 (or in similar family)
I use the Casio SK-5 as my base model as I believe it's the model aesthetically most buyers would want (I may be very wrong). I want a straight up 1/1 clone of this device down to sampling quality (8-Bit) but maybe expand the sampling time of each pad to 1 - 2 seconds, none of that sharing space between the two pads crap, just a decent recording time for each individual pad, the LOFI sound and limited recording time allows for creativity in the limitations and most people buy them for that LOFI sound. A MIDI in/out would be handy just as MIDI is always handy and would make the device useful in someone's performance setup as a controller or desktop synth. USB for control with DAW and audio over USB, maybe sample transfers (bit overkill for 4 pads) Hell maybe allow internal storage of the samples so they could be rotated with a simple up/down button, 20+ samples per pad or something. C/V is nice just again for convenience reasons.

3. Compu-Rhythm CR-78 (or of similar era)
I don't usually look towards Rompler drum machine clones as every sampler/sequencer is essentially that drum machine in a new shell. I wanted for the longest time a Linn Drum clone but that uses ROM based sounds...sampled sounds which I could easily put on my Digitak/Octatrack, so I would stick to totally analog or totally digital synthesis clones when looking to Behringer. With that long diatribe, I would want the Roland CR-78 or something of similar vein (Minipops anyone?) totally analog sound, original or similar drum loops built in but add a simple sequencer OR MIDI, CV or USB to allow for creating custom rhythms on the device, individual outs too would be nice and while I'm at it (this is fantasy stuff anyways) instead of adding distortion as a built in effect to all your drumming devices how about a simple compressor? just on the master out keep it simple, I know I would use that a lot more over distortion (totally unused on my TD-3 and RD-6/8)

4. Casio CZ-101 (or similar)
I won't lie, I'm a sucker for Casio's more studio designed gear (I like the toys too but way too many) and I am a collector of that gear, so a clone of one of my favorite synths, the CZ-101 is such a desirable purchase to me that I would willingly donate my own CZ-101 and RA-3 Ram Cartridge to Behringer for reverse engineering and study as long as was a guarantee they would actually produce one OR something in a similar vein. I personally like the sound of phase distortion and honestly had no problem programming it, I get lost experimenting with the sounds it's very enjoyable. I thought about keeping the Ram Cartridge slot, customers with those RAM carts may wish to get their old saved settings onto the new device the honestly that would be such a small minority it would be a waste of useful space, that and the RAM carts don't hold the data to long or well (not in my case at least) A bigger number of banks and patterns all on internal storage is a must to sell this, USB and MIDI of course, C/V maybe not so important. FIX THE KEY'S! I'm not the first to say but I bloody hate the keys on this keyboard and add some damn velocity sensitivity (that can be turned on and off) what an absolute waste of playability on CASIO's part with a decent synth engine. Oh and more waveforms to mix in please.

5. Elektron Digitakt/Octatrack or of similar capabilities.
I know they are very recent and specific but I'm trying to project an image of style and functionality if Behringer were to clone or just take on the sampler sequencer in that area of the sampler market. I can't think off the top of my head if Behringer have ever made a sampler sequencer of any kind that can be used as a drum machine or portable studio for on the fly track building. I guess I'm saying that I would like to see them make something in-between the Model Sample and Digitakt but at a lower or similar to the Model Samples price. I genuinely think they could do something like that, it would be interesting to see what they make on that level of gear design. I guess they could enter the sampling field with a SP-404 sytle clone but I know I wouldn't buy one of those for sure, I'm more program over performance if you know what I mean, Korg Electribe ES-1 instead of Boss SP-303 if you catch my drift...although I'm sure many would way the MPC style more so instead.