
Man Out and About #5

My "studio" as I update me macs.
It's been a while I'll admit but I am happy to tell you I am know a full permanent resident of the USA. Basically I got my 10 year residency and can finally do stuff like leave the country without harassment, also I can start on my citizenship which will be really nice as it won't take as long and I have been studying for it over the past few years.

Things as usual are slow, I have been sleeping quite a lot and really fatigued for the last few weeks which everyone keeps telling me I might be anemic and I would have to agree, so I'll be visiting the doctors tomorrow to hear the worst of it.

Music wise after getting my little studio setup I did some jamming with peers which is always nice to do. Sometimes we order in a pizza, put on a film in the living room and move between synth and sofa. I still have my 30th Birthday album I will be releasing on June 23rd of this year and I want to try and make some sort of music video collection to release at the same time too, much in the same theory of Jim Ether's Alert!, it being a film that's essentially A collection of short music videos that are loosely connected. We shall see however.

:: Reading
. A Slow Death : 83 Days Of Radiation Sickness
. Ubu Roi

:: Watching
. Wolf Of Wall Street
. Misc science videos
. Misc Christopher Hitchens videos

:: Hearing
. The Bran Flakes (misc CD's I found at Dimple)
. Boards of Canada - Geogaddi
. GG Allin - Freak, Faggots Drunks and Junkies